Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm in a long distance relationship. I would appriciate some advice on how to keep things great and hot..?

Since I don't get to see him everyday I feel like we could lose our sexyness in our relationship. We have been together for 6months now and we're doing great. He's stationed on the other side of the states because of the army. He will be coming home here soon and I want some advice on how to keep things hot during the holidays and keep things hot when he's away. We talk on the phone everyday and I just want to make sure things dont fall apart becuase of the distance..Im falling more in love everyday with him and I am anxious to hear experiences with long distance relationships and advice on how to keep them going strong!I'm in a long distance relationship. I would appriciate some advice on how to keep things great and hot..?
I've been in one for 4 years now and we're doing great. We were 16 when we met and now we are almost 21. We've both never done anything sexual so i wouldn't be able to help you in that department. I can tell you that there are a lot of things you can do to stay connected. My boyfriend lives in Germany and i live in the US so we have things down. For us phone bills are a big thing so we use microphones on our computer to talk using Skype. We also use webcams so we can see eachother online which is fun. Letters are good because they are more personal and its nice getting a surprise in the mail. We like to send carepackages of little things we want to send. I like to send him things he can't find in Germany. He likes to get pictures of me and my family just to stay updated. It takes a lot of work but its worth it. Email me if you have more questions. Good luck and hope that i helpedI'm in a long distance relationship. I would appriciate some advice on how to keep things great and hot..?
Here's some great straight-forward tips on how to keep them steaming:

Keep Romance Alive In A Long Distance Relationship- When The Roses Are No Longer Red and The Sugar Isn't As Sweet


Good Luck :)

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