Sunday, December 27, 2009

Relationship advice???

ok. i absolutley hate the idea i even feel the need to ask this q on yahoo answers!... but in all honesty (from both sexes preferably) if your g.f of 2 years refused to let her b.f ejaculate on her during sex becuse she personally found it really degrading/offensive would you think it fair to call her fridget and always bring the topic up in bed?... im really upset and feel... i donno.. insecure i guess now becuse of it!..thankyou guys i know its an odd q lol!! xxRelationship advice???
I wouldn't worry about it. Some girls don't mind it while others do. Get over it.Relationship advice???
First off, dont feel about asking this on Answers . . . .afterall, you'll get a whole range of answers and everyone remains annonymous.

Personally, I think it is good that you are both working out your ';sex boundries'; - finding out what you can both do (or not do). Respect how she feels and dont make her feel fridged etc. Dont try and go over old ground or pressure her into it because that could break your relationship up.

Move on and enjoy the sex your getting ;-)
for sure, its just like any other sexual act, some people are into some stuff, some not. if thats the extent of what u wont do, he needs to be grateful hes even gettin laid
Fair enough that he may be abit upset that he ddnt get to do what he wanted to.. but there is no need for name calling.. and to use it against you to feel bad..

You should only something if your comfortable with.. However after 2 years being with ur man, you shouldn't feel that it is degrading as you should already have quite a strong bond n trust him, but if hes going to behave like that then its makes sense not to let him do it.

You could be quite spiteful about it and suggest that u dnt like things he does, or you could just sit him down and try and talk about it..

Good luck

i think if your partner loves you enough they will understand your feelings and would respect that. it in no means makes you fridged. you should explain to him how its making you feel its best to be open with him. hope this helps you and if you have anymore questions plz dot hesitate to ask.
Only do what you are comfortable with. If you go along with this then he will want to push your boundaries further, oral sex, swallowing, anal sex and so on. He has obviously seen some porn and likes to think of himself as a porn star.

If you do go ahead with his demands, make him wash the sheets if he misses.
Nobody should be made to feel bad about refusing to do something they feel is either degrading or offencive, whatever it was. Sex (or making love) should be a wonderful shared time with both partners pleasing each other. Tell him to grow up, he is sulking because he cant get his own way. He just has to deal with it, there are plenty of other ways to please one another.

You are not at fault sweetie x
To be honest, no man should pressurise his girlfriend into doing something she's not comfortable with in bed, it shows a lack of respect and understanding, and if he really had true feelings for her it wouldn't become a major concern.

The fact that he is calling you names for this, and bringing the topic up a lot is something you'll need to address as a couple. I presume you have tried talking to him about why you feel uncomfortable about this, if he is still not being understanding they maybe you both need to evaluate the relationship?

Don't let a man make you feel upset or insecure - a true partner would never wish to do this to their loved one.
What do you mean be degrading/offensive?

I can understand if you do not want to get pregnant but using those words do not relate - they are to extreme.

What does he mean by you are fridget?

I can understand he can get frustrated because he is not completing his passion but those words are to harsh - they are extreme.

Both of you need to communicate better.

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