ok this is a hard thing to talk about. before my husband, i dated this guy for 2 years, but we broke up bc he had cheated on me. so a few months after me n him brokeup i met my now husband who ive been married to for 4 months. me and him fight ALOT. but i love him with all my heart and would never want to leave him. BUT. my husband n i got in a huge fight 2 weeks ago and he told me to go see my x and get out of his face. so i went and talked to him and i realized, i still desperately love my x. he is amazing- his look, the way he talks, but my hubby is such a great guy emotionally and mentally, but physically-no way. he isnt romantic and/or sexual as my x bf was. me and my x never had sex, but whatever we did besides that, was always AMAZING. and i tell my husband what he needs to change in bed and he says ok, and NEVER does it right. it has never felt good once. what should i do? i really want to go have sex with him, and he wants to too. what should i do. i feel like i need my x badADVICE from evry1 in a relationship...please!!!!!!?
Don't, it might be tempting but don't forget you are married. If you aren't happy with your husband why dont you two talk divorce. He obviously doesn't satisfy you so why are you with him. Before anything talk things out with your husband. Maybe you two can work things out. %26amp; are you sure things with your x aren't going to end bad... imagin you cheat on your husband then your husband finds out and leaves you; but then all your x wanted was to get in your pants you'll be left all alone and bitter. Think it through!ADVICE from evry1 in a relationship...please!!!!!!?
so then my question is why did you get married? you love your husband, but sex is not that great. you had a big fight and he said go see the ex. you and your ex never had sex. he cheated on you? why? is it because he wanted sex and you wouldn't give in? i don't know of your background regarding your beliefs regarding marriage and extramarital relations, etc., but you really need to decide what you're going to do. sounds like if you really love your husband and make it work, you need to stop tallking to the ex. the ex cheated on you when you were together...what makes you think he won't cheat on you again? you're thinking about cheating on your husband to have sex with a guy that was amazing in every other way. when it comes to sex, he might be a dud too. anywho, your taking a gamble. if i were you, i would leave the ex out of the picture and focus on making what's wrong in the marriage right. seek professional counseling, at least make an effort to make it work. marriage is not something to be taken lightly. if you and your husband don't work out, i hope that before you get married again you give it more thought. you said you are attracted to the way your ex looks and talks. i'm sorry, but that is not enough, talk is cheap and looks fade. what you need is something that is going to stand the test of time. sounds like your husband has that but he is going to have to humble himself and submit to some counseling or whatever is going to make him sensitive to your sexual needs in the marriage. i suppose he told you to go talk to your ex because maybe you compare the two men. don't do that. live in the here and now, with your husband. get the ex out of the picture so that you have nothing to compare, so you can think clearly. not going to be able to do that with the ex in the picture. i wish yo uall the best
First of all.you said your husbant isnt that goodin bed but with your x you didint even had sex. Trust me, you are expecting too much from sex with your x and i am quite sure that if you have sex with him, it will be so much lower than your expectations.So why take a chance?
you also said that your x cheated on you. what are u thinking? to leave your husbant for a man that cheated on you?does this make sense?
or just cheat once on your husband( which will make you feel guilty for prob the rest of your life) for a man that probably will not be as good as you think in bed?
you dont need your x. your x is just the easiest solution your mind can think of, instead of sitting down with your husbant and work out your problems
but remember: the easiest solution is rarely the better
you may love your husband but if you fight as much as you say and he doesn't deliver in the bedroom then take a break say you need space it sounds to me that you still love your ex and he still loves you so go down that road and find out other wise you will never know what could of been but ake it clear to him that it's his last chance
the grass is always greener on the other side..................
or is it??????????????
Change yourself, you know dress more sexy, chill and relax. It can tingle and mingle any man. Try something more fun and experiment your love life. Be open to your husband and tell him your dilema. It's nicer to hear it from you than from an outsider.
you are one confused woman. I pity you.
once a cheat always a cheat! you have the idea your ex was good but you broke up with him for a reason. the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
you and your hubby need to communicate more, when he tells you to go to your ex don't do it, you will only have your feelings mixed up which is what's happening now!
when you have sex with your ex will it make you feel good? i doubt it, he will be off with someone else next week, you will feel guilty and you will be in more of a mess. lots of people argue and say things in the heat of the moment, when your hubby says go to your ex he is not really giving you permission to go do it!
You need to figure out what you want. you can't have both. What you feel for the ex may not be real. Jut that he is something yu o can't have.
Well you could go have sex with him and cheat on your husband, but what kind of woman would that make you? Not a real good one if you ask me. It sounds like your marriage is failing bad, even though you love someone it doesn't mean you should be together. I say you should file for divorce if you are wanting another man so badly, or start going to counseling to try and save your marriage if it is worth it to you. Good luck.
Well he cheated on you once and is willing to cheat with you while your married, gee sounds like a loser to me..... Do you really think he just wants you.... Stick with your husband, and why did you go see your ex any way? Maybe your husband said that to see if you really would or if you would stay with him....
I know some one who has done what you are contemplating. Let me say now, you will not like the results.
You broke up with your x because he cheated on you. you are about to have an affair someone all your friends and your husband knows about. Your x may me the hottest thing to walk the earth, but think for a second why you split. Take a minute to remember how you felt before you broke up. The hurt; the hatred; the rejection.
Now think of the reason your x wants you now. Think of his current girlfriend (if he has one, he could even be hiding her!) and how she will feel when she finds out. She will go through the same things that you did; feel the same feelings.
Are you starting to get the picture? When your husband finds out you will argue ect and i could even end in divorce. Your x will not stand by you through this. He would of already gone off to find another pray.
Please do not do this. If you are unhappy with your husband then separate with dignity.
You are married now, you can shuttle betweent the two of them, you will be getting diseases like STD and Aids. Relax your self and be happy with what you have married.
You need to decide. In my book I have a section about how to become attracted to you ';bland but good'; mate. It has worked for several people. I suggest your husband and you give it a try before you give up and make your sexual desire over-rule your logical decision to have a happy marriage. It sounds like you love your husband, but want that same passion you have with your ex with your current husband... here's how you can do it:
Look at page 22 ';You love me, but I'm not so sure';
Sunday, December 27, 2009
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