Sunday, December 27, 2009

Relationship Question........SOMEONE HELP!!! (Some Christian advice PLEASE!!)?

Ok so here is the (ex)boyfriend and i had been dating for 2 1/2 years. (BTW we are 18%26amp;17) We were both really stong Christian's when we meet but, we let Satan drive our actions and we soon became engulfed with sin. This past weekend we did something that completely ruined our relationship...we lost it to each other. Afterwards we had alot of we decided to break things off. Two days later he does it again...but with another girl. He told me the next day about everything after he realized what he had done. I am completely done with him and decide that I need to get back with Jesus. So that night he calls and is just seeking God in everything. (which has not been him for a long time) and we are both seeking God's will for our lifes.

The question is...if you or someone you know has been through a situation similar to mine...please let me know what they did and if they are truly happy!! Thanks in advance and may God bless you in all that you do.Relationship Question........SOMEONE HELP!!! (Some Christian advice PLEASE!!)?
work with him, pray with him. the tempatations of the flesh are extremely strong in this day. Lok at King David, even he was tempted and gave into his temptation, but even still, he straightened out to the point whre God himself called David the apple of His eye. It is tough on us guys in todays world. sex is very pervasive and temtation is everywhere. God bless the both of you. 2-1/2 years is a lot of history to build with one another. Search to see if maybe you can forgive him and help himRelationship Question........SOMEONE HELP!!! (Some Christian advice PLEASE!!)?
you are welcome. Hope this helps !

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wow you're wierd

you need to learn some science, there is no such thing as god

be realistic
truthfully..i have had no relationship experience by choice. but i am a christian and i just wanted to give you a little encouragement. remember...there is nothing you can do that will make God love you any less. it's never too late to turn back to him. In my opinion, it's great that your ex wants to turn back to God, but since you both are just starting again on this road, i suggest you don't get back together. you probably still have feelings for him, that;s natural. but be willing to sacrifice that for God, and let God deal with your relationships. he will open doors when the right time comes. now just focus everything you have on God, and then you will find true joy.
I have a friend who did exactly the thing you are talkign about who was the male in your story.

The only reason he called his first back up is that he figured he could have her sexually again, because she already lost her virginity.

She was naive and they did it again, and then when he tried AGAIN she said no, and he dumped her.
well everyone knows you're suppose to wait for marriage but if you regret what you did God will forgive you. so you have to get past that. The fact that he left and went off with another girl so soon after is a good reason to wait things out. I know a friend this happened to and she ended up pregnant and she dropped out of school. I wouldn't suggest you do that though. You may just need a little time to see where your lives are heading. I'm not saying Satan didn't drive you into that, but hormones are really high at the ages you mentioned and things probably just got out of hand. It sounds like you didn't really want that to happen and now you're kinda stuck. so the only thing I can say is to pray on it because what's done is done and now you have to figure out where to go next. You may end up together or not. Maybe this happening was a way of letting you know you were getting away from your christian values.
Just an honest question from a Christian -

Have you ever read the Bible from cover to cover or is this what your pastor said was sinful?

Love is never sinful and expressing your love is not sin. There are a lot worse things in the world that expressing your love to someone. While what your ex did was reprehensible you need to understand that what the two of you did wasn't a sin.
t sounds like you are on the right track. It hard to obey the bible and you still have o deal with feelings and relationships

just know that if you ask God to forgive you ,you are forgiven.

And continue to seek God and be strong.
You know according to the bible sex is not the unpardonable sin. What you did was inappropriate yes and it obviously violated your own personal belief system, but don't allow it to define your entire existence as a child of God. God loves you and he knows how difficult it is being young having to deal with sexual pressure. As far as your relationship with your ex-bf leave that in Gods hands, there's nothing you can do, trust me.
Well. as Christians, we are to forgive. However seeking God, is the correct thing to do. God should always be first, Don't let people become idols in your life. Also sex is very spiritual thing, it can bring soul ties. Also attach other spirits of sexual impurity to you, However once you ask God for forgiveness and repent (turn away) from the sin, You can get back on the right track. At such young ages your focus should Be God and the purpose and plan for you lives. You are really to young to be in a serious relationship. love brings major distractions to God's will for your life and sex clouds your judgment. I pray that you turn away from it, and forgive your friend so God may forgive you.
this is a difficult one! you lost your virginity to a guy you loved and then he turns around a has sex with another girl.. hmmm! i think let him go and just learn from this experience. by the way God forgives =) don't worry.
Wow!!!! I've never been in that situation. All I can say is that you did the right thing asking God to forgive you for your sins. Have you talked to your pastor to see if there is anything else you can do?

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