Me and my boyfriend been together for 3 months,we were engaged and everything.and we recently broke up because he think that our relationship has run its course,and he's still dealing with the pain from his last relationships,and I still am too.And we both need to get ourselves together.We both love each other to death,and that broke my heart.And I'm not understanding how he can just let go of what the love we had (unless it wasn't really love) I thought about telling him how I feel and what I want,but what if what I want,isn't what he wants? Should I go after the love of my life? or just let him go,and try to move on?Relationship problems,someone please give me some advice!?
this is not advise just an one can advise you on love.
from what i gather you both were on the rebound.he is realizing that you guys have rushed into something neither of you are ready for.3 months isnt enough time to know someone well enough to have been there for him at a bad time and he was there for you during a bad time he was like a hero coming to rescue you from the pain and suffering you were going thru ending the last relationship.when we end a relationship we mourn it in a way except it is harder because they are still around just untouchable that is what makes it so hard ,when we mourn someone that dies we mourn then the healing a relationship when we see them or come in contact it reopens the wound and it starts over and over.ending a relationship is one of the hardest things to do in life emotionally.
in my opinion i would let him know how i feel but make sure that is really how i feel first with alittle time first.then if the feelings are not mutual prepare yourself for it that is where the thinking time will help you do.and start the healing process.but it is obvious that you need closure so you can move on. but dont beg or put youself in a uncomfortable possition.the mate god intended you to have is out there .
be careful not to get hooked up again on the ladies get used sometimes when men use us to get over someone know what they say the only way to get over someone is to find someone else.well people get hurt when that happens.and in my opinion this time you have been hurt.
im sorry for what you are going thru i hope you find the love that you are looking for.Relationship problems,someone please give me some advice!?
You both need to sit down and talk to each other about everything. Tell him what is on your mind and let him do the same. If you both really love each other, then it will work out. My mom always told me that if it's meant to be, it will happen. That is what I believe in and I still to this day believe that's true. Don't give up just yet. Let him have his time and talk to him about it. If he loves you like he said/says he does, he will come back and everything will be okay with time.
Gilesa dont spend time trying to figure this out you do as your heart says. I left my ex husband of 22 years about a year ago to find out there is a better life out there in this world I am with a wonderful man now and I'm just sorry I spent so much trying to fix something that was well off broken.Came to find out I was never appreciated and didn't give a rats a-- about anyone but himself . Don't make a mistake this man that I am with now put all the stops to me at first because of a relationship before I went through another hard time trying to explain that I was really sincere .Now I am planning to be married for real with a man that really loves me .
you not oldenought to have met the love of your life yet. and only being together for 3 months.
by all means tell him how you feel adn if nothing comes of it move on. remember how you fel adn use that to your advantage in your next relation ship. you just beginning, and you allways fall of your bike the first time you ride it.
you going to be so happy when you meet oyur next BF adn even moreso that one after that, who will probbably be the love of your life...
good luck.
Well you need to tell him how you feel if nothing else it may help you to feel better but if he loves you for real he will come back when people break up sometimes it feels like it is the end but if it was really love it cant be the end, so you need to really find out and if its not love you sure do need to know now,
Im sure you have heard this before but it bares repeating. If you love something let it go if it comes back to you if not it was never ment to be. It may be hard but its true.
if he has that love for you and feels a broken heart out of previous relationship that says he was not using his heart at all with you
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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