I've been seeing this guy for about two weeks and it was moving in the direction of becoming a relationship when all the sudden one day when I go over to his house to hang out with him he tells me his friend asked him out. in his exact words ';she asked me out and I was think since I haven't been in a relationship in three years and I really want things to work ot between me and you and my first relationship i know wont work out I was thinking of dating her since I know it wont work out and when its over between me and her date you so that we really do have a chance at the relationship working out.'; Of course me being to stupid idiot that I am and wanting it to really work out because I was really into him told him to go threw with it. We hung out the next day after her started dating her and we couldn't keep our hands off eachother. I know that I should just move on and get over him and that I shouldn't be doing this to myself but I just can't get over him. What should I do?I'm in a very complicated relationship and I really need some advice.?
Let me get this straight...you have been seeing a guy for 2 weeks...but he wants to go out with someone else, who he knows it won't work with, so that when it's over he can go out with you.....He starts seeing the other girl, then, the next day can't keep his hands off of you...... What should you do?....Get some self respect and tell him to sling his hook.....you would be setting the tone for your whole relationship with him if you accept this situation......walk now ...it will save you a lot of heartache in the endI'm in a very complicated relationship and I really need some advice.?
HIs lines to you seem to be BS. If he was really serious about you he would not have even mentioned the other girl. So if you are feeling you need to move on, then my advice is go with your gut feelings. The guy seems to be holding on to you as a back up. I wouldn't want to be second, and you shouldn't either.
Sounds like he's playing you for a mug.
He went out with this other girl in preference to you, and you still met him the next day!
Dump him as soon as possible, you will meet someone else and that someone will be just right for you.
This guy is not.
Looks like he wants an open relationship, he gets turned on by coming back to you after he's been with someone else. keeps the excitement fresh for him. Some relationships like this actually work, but only if both people in the relationship are happy with it. If you are (and don't let anyone knock you if you are) then enjoy. Find someone else yourself and share the experience with you fella. If you're not happy and it's eating you up. move on.
Seems simple enough to me - now he has two women chasing after him. Result! This insistence that he knows it won't work out with you (after only two weeks?!!!) seems very convenient to me.
Call me cynical but can you be sure
a) he has not had a relationship in three years (thus making you feel sympathetic and more inclined to forgive obnoxious behaviour)
b) he did not ask her out first
c) this is a line he has used before
It is a harsh thing to say but most of us unwittingly send a message of consent to an abuser when we excuse and put up with bad behaviour. I speak from experience.
Also, don't mean to be mean here but if you are quoting him exactly, either he is being deliberately unclear or you are fishing at the wrong end of the gene pool.
If you can't think what to do, imagine your friend coming to you in the same predicament. What would you advise her? Sometimes we want the wrong someone very badly. Question is, are you strong enough to listen to your head, not your heart? because it is obvious your head is saying NO!
dont live in the past but dont not be good mates and if he finds out this girl isnt the one you and him still have a chance
Let him go. You deserve more respect than he is showing you. I think he wants his cake and eat it. He is being unfair to you.
this man is being disgusting, its not fair on you or the other woman in question, how does he know it wont work out? if he was willing to put the effort in it would work out. what hes doing is keeping his options open and your playing his game. he's got his cake and he's eating it. suggest you stop having you hands on each other cos after all, he's seeing someone else, unless your happy with being the bit on the side cos thats what you are like it or not. your his fall back in case things go **** up, meanwhile you wont see anyone cos your waiting for him, how long do you wanna wait when theoreticaly you could be waiting for ever for nothing, my advice is get out there and start dating yourself so your not waiting for him and it mite just give him a shock to see your not waiting, if he doesnt come for you then, you'll know he was just playing you, he sounds really immature and i'm not sure why you'd want a relationship with someone who can enter a relationship with the mindset of it not working? i feel sorry for you but most of all i feel sorry for the other woman.
Move on throw out the garbage. Their is a special man out their for you. Do not lower your standards on someone for pleasure of the moment. It sounds like you slept with him for revenge. We all want something that is real. Think before you do this again.
sorry, too long
we're all watching tv
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